May 26

10 Weight Loss Tips In Preparation for Summer

By: Houston Weight Loss Doctors

It’s official: Swimsuit season is here. Even if you’re not feeling fully ready to don an itty bitty bikini, it’s not too late to set fitness or weight loss goals. We’ve put together 10 simple tips to help you create a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle, inspire you to make and stick with good eating habits, and achieve your weight loss goals.

1. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Extreme goals can be unrealistic, especially when you’re just starting out. Keep it simple and be smart by setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based. Instead of setting one huge goal like ‘lose 40 pounds’, set smaller goals that are easier to achieve and will incentivize you to continue on your weight loss journey. For example, a specific goal could be to reduce your daily calorie intake by 250 calories, and a realistic goal could be to eliminate soft drinks from your diet, while a measurable and time-based goal could be to lose 2 pounds per week.

2. Eat Mindfully

Mindfulness refers to being present in the moment and having a conscious awareness of what you’re doing. Mindfulness is especially important when you’re eating. Take the time to slow down and chew each bite. Consider the flavors and textures on your tongue. Many people struggle with anxiety around food and this leads to eating too quickly and missing the signals from the stomach that tell the brain “I’ve had enough.”

3. Make Sure You’re Actually Hungry

It’s common for people to mistake thirst for hunger. You can avoid this by staying hydrated and drinking at least 2 liters of water every day.

4. Eliminate Liquid Calories

Soda, alcohol, fruit juices, and sweetened coffees and teas are packed with empty calories. Eliminating or even reducing this type of calorie intake and replacing it with water can have a big impact on your weight loss progress and numerous other health benefits.

5. Avoid Processed Foods

Eat whole foods as much as possible. A general rule of thumb is to avoid processed foods that are frozen or packaged in plastic. Discover the incredible range of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains available, and have some fun playing with finding healthy recipes that appeal to you.

6. Plan Meals Ahead Of Time

Planning meals ahead of time can take the stress out of mealtime. It also leads to healthier choices, less time scanning the shelves at the grocery store, and produces less food waste.

7. Don’t Watch The Scale

It’s important to keep in mind that the number on the scale doesn’t always reflect the positive changes in your body because muscle weighs more than fat. Even if you’re losing fat, maintaining or even increasing muscle mass through exercise can mean that your weight doesn’t change. Pay more attention to the changes you’re incorporating into your lifestyle, how your body feels, and how your clothes are fitting.

8. Keep A Food Journal

Food tracking can help you recognize unhealthy eating patterns, see what’s not working, and make changes. At the same time, it provides the opportunity to congratulate yourself for good choices and reinforce positive habits.

9. Make Movement Part Of Your Lifestyle

Incorporating exercise into your routine can seem daunting when you’re just starting out. But exercise doesn’t have to mean joining a gym or running five miles a day. Have fun with finding ways to move your body that support an active lifestyle. For example, start with walking to the store instead of driving. Sign up for a dance class, take a dip in the ocean, discover hiking trails in your area, or ride your bike to work.

10. Make Sleep A Priority

Sleep plays a huge part in our mental and emotional wellbeing. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. In addition to giving you the energy needed to incorporate positive changes in diet and exercise, it will also mean that you’re mentally fortified as well.

Interested In Weight Loss Support?

​To learn more about our weight loss and body contouring services or to schedule a consultation please contact us today.


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