Sep 22

Top 5 Exercises for Weight Loss

By: Houston Weight Loss Doctors

Most people understand that healthy body weight is directly linked to a balanced diet and active lifestyle. But when it comes to the activities that are most beneficial to weight loss, many are left scratching their heads. It can be difficult to know where to begin, how much is required, and which exercises are the best to reach your weight loss goals.

Why is Exercise Important For Weight Loss?

Exercise can help those struggling with obesity lose weight and maintain their body weight. Exercise helps shed pounds by increasing the metabolism and burning calories. Regular exercise also increases lean body mass, which can increase the number of calories you burn.

Think about calories as units of energy. Your body requires energy to do even the simplest task, such as breathing. Increasing your physical activity through exercise increases the number of calories your body burns for energy. When the body burns more calories through exercise than it consumes through food it creates a “calorie deficit” that can result in significant weight loss.1

Below we’ll outline the top 5 exercises that are best for weight loss. You can use this helpful tool from National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to help determine the amount of daily exercise you need to help you reach your goal. The most important thing is that you find what works for you and always remember to check in with your physician before starting a new exercise routine—especially if you have preexisting conditions. Consistent physical activity along with maintaining a healthy diet is key, and will help you maintain long-term weight loss.2


Walking is one of the easiest ways to incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily routine. One study found that walking for 50–70 minutes 3 times a week reduced body fat and waist circumference in individuals with obesity.3 We recommend walking because it’s a great exercise for beginners, requires no equipment, can be done anywhere, and can be easily incorporated into your regular daily activities.


Cycling is also a great way for beginners to incorporate exercise into their lives. You can ride a bike outdoors, in the gym, or in your home on a stationary bike. Cycling is an ideal exercise no matter your fitness level because you can go at your own pace. We recommend cycling because not only can it help you lose weight, it has been linked to better overall health and reduces the risk of heart disease and some cancers.4

Weight Training

Weight training involves lifting weights to build strength, increase muscle mass and lose weight. Not only does weight training help you lose weight, it also helps raise your metabolic rate so you’re burning more calories even when you’re not actively working out.5 If you’re interested in weight training, we recommend beginning with a personal trainer who can provide you with a weight training program designed specifically for you that can easily be done at home.


Swimming is one of the best ways to lose weight and is ideal for people with physical injuries or joint pain because it burns calories without the impact of other physical activity, like running or jogging. In addition to being a great cardio exercise, swimming is also a full body workout. We recommend starting slow and swimming for 10-15 minutes several times a week, and gradually increase your time in the water to avoid fatigue and muscle soreness.


We love yoga for weight loss because it’s all about mindfulness and supports the mental and physical aspects of creating new patterns of behavior while also promoting the spiritual development to be the best version of yourself. Yogic mindfulness has been proven to help people resist unhealthy habits around food such as binge eating or comfort eating, and become more in tune with their bodies overall.6 In addition to burning calories, yoga can also minimize stress, improve sleep, and reduce body aches and pain.

Start Exercising Today For Weight Loss

If you want to incorporate exercise into your daily routine to optimize or maintain your weight loss, starting can be the most difficult part. Make the commitment to yourself, and start slowly with manageable goals that are easily attainable. Lasting behavior change doesn’t happen overnight, but is possible with determination and perseverance.
1 Obesity. Aerobic exercise alone results in clinically significant weight loss for men and women: Midwest exercise trial 2. Available: Accessed September 11, 2021.
2 Obesity. Objectively Assessed Physical Activity and Weight Loss Maintenance among Individuals Enrolled in a Lifestyle Intervention. Available: Accessed September 11, 2021.
3 Journal of Exercise Nutrition & Biochemistry. Effect of walking exercise on abdominal fat, insulin resistance and serum cytokines in obese women. Available: Accessed September 10, 2021.

4 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Health benefits of cycling: a systematic review. Available: Accessed September 11, 2021.

5 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Minimal resistance training improves daily energy expenditure and fat oxidation. Available: Accessed September 11, 2021.
6 Hindawi. A Different Weight Loss Experience: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Behavioral, Physical, and Psychosocial Changes Associated with Yoga That Promote Weight Loss. Available: Accessed September 10, 2021.


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